based on real people. D. hunt for food. Updated 8/22/2016. a monologue that reveals a character's innermost thoughts C. Character pieces are by definition A. Remember the first time you read or watched *Romeo and Juliet*? The tragic ending of this iconic story is an embodiment of dramatic irony: The audience knows that the lovers are each alive, but neither of the lovers knows that the other is still alive. a story in which animals act the opposite of how one would expect a piece of literature that uses humor to show human weaknesses a piece of literature that takes place in a magical, imaginary world a story in which the characters and events symbolize human truths. Which one of the following is characteristic of a character study? • A. Authors have used them in countless stories and tales, and the characters themselves have seldom changed in any meaningful way. not elsewhere specified. weegy;. A character meant to be unchanging and make the main character's strengths stand out more C. A. It is intended to express a mood that is usually described as a title. Essentially, it's the positive and. Question. Next, add the milk and mix just until incorporated before rolling out the dough. character piece. character piece C. Artist. User: A stock character is one that's. Weegy:. a speech given by a character to other characters on stageForeshadowing means A. Question. See more. By definition, a round character: is a character that is well-developed in the story. D. The protagonist is a static character. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. It’s just a fun side gig that you can use here and there for extra cash. Log in for more information. The repetition of sounds C. find a new camp. conjugation. Log in for more information. User: The main character of Bizet's Carmen is a A. B. constantly changing and adapting to situations. MDWeegy. complicated. author's main point symbolism 4. Character pieces are by definition A. Pointed emotion: Term. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Definition of Cliché. B. User: The identity an author creates for himself in a story is known as his. • D. C. time B. based on an invented story. medieval chant. imitate an entire orchestra. the exchanges that happen between characters c. History. This phrase describes what pieces? Definition. Though he makes no excuses for slave owners, he does make an effort to present a realistic—if critical—account of how and why slavery operates. search for a gold mine. They are the building blocks used to create a work of art. binary fission. Thus, option (A) is correct. weegy; Answer;. B. Weegy: In chemistry, a compound is a substance that results from a combination of two or more different chemical element s, in such a way that the atom s of the different elements are held together by chemical bonds that are difficult to break. User: The identity an author creates for himself in a story is known as his Weegy: The identity an author creates for himself in a story is known as his persona. Weegy: The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a standardized approach to incident management developed by the Department of Homeland Security. short. is a well-developed character changes, or grows, according to occurrences in his life has only one or two developed traits. Therefore, option c is the match for Archetype. In all the field,. User: What level of setting in a story takes place inside the character's mind? Weegy: Psychological level of setting in a story takes place inside the character's mind. Gypsy girl. See more. Terms in this set (10) point of view. Which of the following is the best definition of an archetype? story without the structure of a plot Someone in a story who is not the main character A character who never changes over the course a story A familiar character type that has appeared numerous times in literature. Score 1. "Thousands of comics across 23 genres incluing romance comedy, action, fantasy, and horror. B. Character pieces are by definition: short. B. Expert answered|bel007|Points 567|. D. C. Character study is the analysis or portrayal in literature of the traits of character of an individual. Expert Answered. Weegy: Bacteria have a form of sexual reproduction called: CONJUGATION. Thematic transformation occurs in A. His tone is dry and he does not exaggerate. B. Get the answers you need, now!The meaning of CHARACTER PIECE is a short musical composition especially for piano conveying a single mood or impression. Clues to a character's personality D. 1. The classic definition of a short story is _____. Match the word to the definition. character piece [English] During the 19th century, when composers were attempting to write music of a "programmatic" nature, the question arose as to whether instrumental music could adequately represent ideas, scenes, dramatic events, and so on as well as the voice could. Comments. Weegy: A flat character is defined through words and actions. Rating. Is the equivalent of unspecified. Question. Characteristic of Russia D. Weegy experts are paid U. Weegy: Puccini's La Boheme was composed in Italian. Characteristic of America B. (More) Question|Asked by donsqueezyyWhat is dramatic irony? (a)when a character says one thing but means another (b)when a character makes fun of another character without them understanding (c)when the audience knows something the characters do not (d)a gentle correction made by playful teasing. D. Updated 5/24/2020 4:38:19 PM. $0. 8. A. Match the form or genre with the best definition. dynamic character a character who encounters conflict and is changed by it and exhibits multiple traits. They are easily spotted esp on holday because they wear the same Rangers or Celtic taps every day. Tone C. a speech given by a character in the presence of others, but unheard by them B. There are no comments. Tragicomedy b. Miniature compositions:. suite a series of dance pieces 4. a universal element such as a character or situation that recurs across cultures the kind of character that generally saves the day in a story or film the arch enemy of the hero in a story or film; the one who opposes the hero a way of categorizing characters in order to analyze their motivations. 7. The human condition encompasses all aspects of human nature, such as personality traits, experiences, mortality, and everything in between. based on real people. TRUE. Weegy: Extirpation is defined as: the situation in which a species. an object that represents and idea D. Added 10/28/2017 7:42:15 PMWeegy: An epiphany is often defined as a sudden insight. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. concert overture. 4. C. Log in for more information. There are many different types of essay, but they are often defined in four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive essays. Donkey from 'Shrek' is a classic example of a static character. Weegy: Charles Ives's Three Places in New England includes a representation of two bands marching in one parade. based on real people. Question. There are no new answers. Log in for more information. An image, symbol, character, or plot that recurs consistently across cultures and time and that is considered universal C. oratorio 1 a sacred, large-scale dramatic work without staging or costumes 2. A stock character is one that's A. User: Choose the definition of: Genoese A. Weegy: A work based on a chorale melody and intended to be played as an introduction to a Protestant service is called a chorale prelude. Weegy: Archetypes are a type of MOTIF that appear throughout history. A series of songs that tells a story is known as a song cycle. C. For example, in the story of "Little Red Riding Hood," the rising action includes everything that takes place after. An essay about what Tolkein's. C. uses letters as the means of relating the action novel of manners 2. A book about how Harry Potter changed throughout the series C. By definition, a round character is a well-developed character. funny. based on real people. Question. Expert Answered. (yellow) (usually have a 9 or 0 in code)Weegy: Speech recognition is a new technology that will change the role of the transcriptionist. putting secondary characters in the foreground of the story. Weegy: The main character of Bizet's Carmen is a Gypsy girl. activity game work ballad Weegy: An Irish reel is a ballad folk song because people often dance to this type of piece. |Score 1| Masamune |Points 84864|. Which definition seems to fit this use? to quiver or vibrate to break into small pieces Based on the given options, the definition that seems to fit the use of the verb "shiver" is "to quiver or vibrate. Added 10/14/2020 5:57:30 PM. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. weight C. User: Foreshadowing Weegy: Foreshadowing or guessing ahead is a literary device by which an author explains certain plot developments that may come later in the story. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesCharacter study definition . C. Asked 2/27/2013 7:10:18 AM. Definition. C. User: The way to recognize a piece of writing as fiction is that it's. of the same period in history fable 5. S. the study of written records about past events c. Weegy: Score 1. User: Another name for “informational reading” is Weegy: Another name for "informational reading" is nonfiction. a monologue that reveals a character’s innermost thoughts C. Which one of the following is characteristic of a character study? • A. Weegy: An individuated character is one who has his or her own unique history and personality. Thematic transformation occurs in A. Examples of heroes in literature are Wonder Woman, Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, and Sir Gawain from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Gypsy girl. C. 7806|cathz_m|Points 12| User: Foreshadowing Weegy: Foreshadowing or guessing ahead is a literary device by which an author explains certain plot.